The Office of the University Faculty Ombuds is a confidential, impartial, informal, and independent resource for information and assistance to faculty members. It helps in resolving academic and administrative problems and disputes through procedures that may be preferable to a formal grievance or judicial proceedings.
The Office of the University Ombuds receives faculty complaints, concerns, and questions about alleged acts, omissions, improprieties, and broader problems, and works to ensure a fair, equitable, and expeditious resolution. The Ombuds may make an informal inquiry, request relevant documentation, review matters received, offer options for resolution, make referrals, and mediate disputes independently and impartially. In addition, the Ombuds serves as a resource for information, communication, and referrals, and makes recommendations for constructive change when University policies or procedures generate conflicts or concerns. The Office adheres to professional standards of practice established by the International Ombudsman Association.
In addition to the University Faculty Ombuds, each School or College has a Unit Ombuds who is also available as a source of unit-based information concerning University policies and for assistance in the resolution of disputes.